Reducing Credit Card Debt

With the stimulus checks that have circulated in the last few years and people staying home more because of the Pandemic, credit card debt shrunk drastically. People were able to pay balances down and even save some money. Unfortunately, it seems that with inflation at the level it is, credit card debt is now at … Read more

Medical Debt Reporting Changes Coming

As the result of a report issued at the beginning of March 2022 by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), starting in July 2022 there will be some major changes to credit reports. These changes will impact approximately 20% of consumers in a very positive way. Beginning July 1, 2022, all paid medical collections will … Read more

Experian Boost™ vs. UltraFICO™

Experian Boost™ and UltraFICO™ are two products offered by Experian® to help boost a borrower’s credit score. Please be aware that these products are only available with Experian so utilizing them will have no impact on a consumer’s TransUnion® or Equifax® scores. Experian Boost allows a consumer to add payment history from accounts that do … Read more

Another Reason to Avoid Credit Repair

Inaccuracies on credit reports are an ongoing problem and a source of great frustration for consumers. Many of the inaccuracies are accounts those consumers believe belong to another person, or that they may have been a victim of identity theft. A lot of consumers feel they don’t have the time or fortitude to address the … Read more

Credit Woes

We all know credit reports can be confusing at times to say the least. Some aspects of the data on credit reports just seem to make no sense, but some parts can be more confusing than others. To start off 2022, let us touch on some of the biggest issues asked about in 2021. 1. … Read more

CFPB Takes a Hard Stance on ‘Name Only Matching’

Due to an advisory opinion recently released by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), all consumer reporting agencies must cease in providing any information on a credit report that is based only on a consumer’s first and last name and excludes any other personally identifiable information (PII) such as Social Security Number (SSN), address and … Read more

Advantage Credit Donates to Save The Children in Honor of Their Customers

Evergreen, Colo., December 1, 2021 – For the ninth consecutive year, Advantage Credit, Inc., has made a donation in honor of their customers to celebrate the holiday season. For 2021, they have made that donation to Save The Children. “The original thought we had nine years ago was to find a unique way to thank … Read more