Is Being Debt Free a Good Idea?

You’ve sold your home, paid off the car and all your credit cards and even closed most of them. You are completely debt free! This is great…right? Well, not when it comes to your credit score. Believe it or not, being completely debt free can actually hurt your credit scores. While it may feel wonderful … Read more

Starting 2017 Right

Christmas is over…the decorations have been taken down and presents have been opened. New accounts have also been opened, credit cards have been maxed out, savings accounts have been drained and probably so has your credit score. And now, here come the bills. Now is the time to look ahead and start doing some damage … Read more

Identity Theft – It’s a Matter of When Not If

No matter how well you protect yourself, chances are at some point you will become a victim of some sort of identity theft. It is virtually impossible, no matter what you do, that you will be 100% protected. In reality your identity probably already has been stolen and just not used yet. According to the … Read more

‘Tis The Season!

It’s that time of year again. Christmas music, holiday lights, beautifully decorated trees and lots and lots of presents. It’s also the time of year when a lot of consumer’s credit scores drop the most. This could take the entire next year, if not longer, from which to recover. This is especially true if the … Read more

Avoid the Holiday Credit Card Hangover

It’s getting to be that time of year again when the weather is colder and the days shorter; pretty soon everything will be decorated in twinkle lights and gingerbread men. The holidays are right around the corner and whether you like to get your holiday shopping done early or are someone who is at the … Read more

Credit Cards – To Have or Have Not

Most people have a lot of questions surrounding the usage of credit cards. Should you have one? How many should you have? Should you have major credit cards or department store credit cards or both? How much should you use them? Should you pay them off every month? The list goes on and on… Credit … Read more

Good Lessons on Credit Cards

Back to school. Seems like summer just started and it’s time, once again, to make the trip to the store for all those school supplies, school clothes and basic necessities, basically a time when you give your credit cards a little more of a workout. Can buying certian items actually hurt your credit? Do the … Read more