How Safe is Your Child’s Identity?

In this day and age everyone has been taught at least a few ways to protect their identities against theft. But what about your children’s identities? Social security numbers are issued at birth and since kids usually don’t use them until they are older, they are a prime target for identity theft. According to the … Read more

The Equifax Breach – What You Need to Know

So you’ve found out you were one of the 143 million people who were possibly compromised by the Equifax breach. What exactly does that mean and what should you do now? What it means is that hackers stole names, addresses, social security numbers and even driver’s license information. In some cases all this information was … Read more

FICO Score, FAKO Scores and FICO 09

FICO scores can be confusing to say the least. In reality a person has many different FICO (Fair Isaac Company) scores depending on what they are applying for and the codes that are being used to pull the credit report. What about when we pull our own credit report? Are we getting real FICO scores? … Read more

Revolving Accounts – What You Need To Know

Revolving balances play an important role in your credit score calculation. The total of your revolving debt makes up about 30% of your credit score. Balances on installment loans don’t have any where near the impact on credit scores as revolving balances do. While having a revolving balance or two can help your credit scores, … Read more

Is Being Debt Free a Good Idea?

You’ve sold your home, paid off the car and all your credit cards and even closed most of them. You are completely debt free! This is great…right? Well, not when it comes to your credit score. Believe it or not, being completely debt free can actually hurt your credit scores. While it may feel wonderful … Read more