Customer Testimonials
“Because Universal Lending has been in business for 30 years we have utilized many different credit reporting agencies. Advantage Credit compares to no other. Their prompt, accurate and reliable credit …
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We can improve your client retention rate and help mitigate repayment of Service Release Premiums due to Early Pay Off.
By monitoring your past mortgage borrowers and identifying when they make a mortgage inquiry with another lender, you will know immediately if your past client is attempting to refinance early or apply for a new mortgage.
Analyze your borrower’s credit report and make specific suggestions for changes to improve scores with our Borrower Consultation Reports.
The Wayfinder reports provides a customer friendly report which analyzes your customers credit report.
We expand your marketing reach with Realtors, reduce your upfront costs with a borrower paid credit report and help you provide quality information for qualified borrowers.
Our SmartPay service allows your borrower’s to see where they are in the spectrum of credit (excellent, good, fair or poor). Your Realtor will have peace of mind when taking them out to look at houses and you won’t miss a deal just because you couldn’t answer the phone.
We provide easy to read Credit Reports.
We have reports from one to three of the major bureaus.