Good Lessons on Credit Cards

Back to school. Seems like summer just started and it’s time, once again, to make the trip to the store for all those school supplies, school clothes and basic necessities, basically a time when you give your credit cards a little more of a workout. Can buying certian items actually hurt your credit? Do the … Read more

Summer is a Good Time to Check Your Credit

Winter is over. We’ve planted the flowers, washed the heaviness of winter off of the windows and dusted away the cobwebs. Now is a great time to check out any cobwebs that may be lingering on your credit report. For example – The charged off credit card from a couple years back. Or even the … Read more

Credit Cards Vs. Debit Cards

A presentation of the Did You Know Series Did you know…which is better – a credit card or a debit card? In our society of more card use and less cash use along with the pervasiveness of fraud especially among the big box retailers, it is important to know which is better to use, a … Read more

Update on Short Sale Fix

Evergreen, Colo., May 8, 2014 – Serving as an update to the Advantage Credit, Inc. press release dated August 27, 2013 in which a fix was announced to how short sales were conveyed on credit reports, that announced fix has apparently failed. The Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) mechanism which is supposed to give lenders the ability … Read more

Undisclosed Debt Notification is Now Available From all Three Bureaus

Evergreen, Colo., April 24, 2014 – Advantage Credit is excited to announce that they can now offer their Undisclosed Debt Notification (UDN) service from all three credit bureaus. This service is designed to monitor a borrower’s credit profile throughout the entire closing process helping to ensure a smooth closing. Fannie Mae has updated the policy … Read more

Advantage Credit Now a Member of ACUMA

Evergreen, Colo., March 20, 2014 – Advantage Credit Inc., a leading provider of credit reporting services is pleased to have been accepted into the American Credit Union Mortgage Association (ACUMA). This membership will help Advantage Credit better serve its credit union partners and allow for opportunities for greater visibility with credit unions nationwide. “We are … Read more